Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Pulling a stunt

I haven't slept since yesterday morning (when I wake for work).

Was seeing D off at the airport earlier during the night. She's off to Brisbane for a new school life and should reach by now. Quite a bunch turned up. D was all over the place, hugging everyone for the last time. Her mom was not looking very happy probably cos we were holding her back from going in early. Chill mom. Plane's coming back in 3 days max but D's going for 5 months.

I threatened to carry her home. She's so small! Easy.

D cried. So did the rest (Amb, Rex (starter), Wend and PJ). Awww... Heh. The gang won't be the same without D really. Soon Rex will be on her way back to Perth =( I WANNA GO TOO!!!

We were missing D already when she checked in. Weird. Just weird...

Head down to Checker's for supper. Not too bad. Lotus (soup) and cream of chicken (soup) was filling the stomach up pretty well. And we talked... and we talked... and we talked... ..... and.... we talked..... ..... and we talked.... and..... ... .... ... ...talked......a....n...d.... .... .. .... ... ...

6am and we were all dozing off big time. Then someone suggested Kiliney's for breakfast... so we walked.... and we walked.... and... .. ... .... ...w... a..... l.....k...ed..... ... ....... ... .....

Toasts and half boiled eggs for each of us. Stomach's not feeling too good. Not cos the food isn't good. I'm lacking energy... need.... sleep... bad... ... ........

Somehow I decided to come to work anyway.

Came to the office early... napped for like an hour plus.... splashed my face with cold water... only helped for like a split second.... still dead... fucking.... sleepy...

Still trying to decide if I should take the later half of the day off... ... .........

Urghhhh.... stomachache now...

Not pretty... not pretty at all... ... ...... ...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Happy 21st Princess!

Princess turns 21 on the eve of the last day of the month of January!

She's one of the first to turn 21 among the group of us so naturally, I'm still feeling excited for her!

29 Janaury 2005, 1600 hr: Princess came over to my crib to chill for a bit before the night of surprises starts. First birthday surprise (gift, if you will) was a pretty shiny lil tiara! She was to wear it through the night, symbolizing the 'steps' she was taking to be born once again to official adulthood! But nooooo. She quietly took it off during dinner.

29 January 2005, 1745 hr: Left the crib to joined up with Moose and D-dude (2nd surprise of the night) who were waiting at the station (as planned). From the squealing, her highness was obviously pleased seeing that her 2 knights were charmingly dressed and waiting for her arrival. Puppy whizzed by in a cab, picked up Princess and D-dude while me and Moose flagged another, down to 21 Club Street.

29 January 2005, 1830 hr: Dinner at Senso, an Italian restaurant (3rd surprise of the night). We were seated in a lovely courtyard ambience. Dinner was as lovely as it looked. Softest, most chewy lasagna I've ever had. Puppy had his share too. Princess and Moose had some cod or dory, thing. Fresh. D-dude had Ravioli. Tasty.

29 January 2005, 1900 hr: Mr K called Moose and told him that the cab driver (who apparently said "so near you want to take cab?!") taught him how to walk to club street.

29 January 2005, 1915 hr: Mr K should reach by now, but he isn't... (It only takes 5 minutes to get to Senso from where he was.)

29 January 2005, 1920 hr: Got Moose to call Mr K, turns out, he's stranded at (sounded like) Ang Chun Hill. Which I have no clue where that is, was hoping it'd better be within a 100 metre radius. A couple of minutes later Mr K said he's at 92 Club Street (-_-). Another minute passed, Mr K said, enthusiastically "ok I'm nearer! 52 Club street!" (-____-) Puppy suggested he asked around for Senso. Which he did and managed to reach in 5 minutes. Finally.

29 January 2005, 2008 hr: Satisfied with dinner, it's time to get the bill. This is the part where I got cheesed off abit. See I was in abit of a hurry to get the gang to the next location, so any dudes with a vest top and apron will do right? Called for this white guy in purple/yellow (if my memory didn't fail me) vest and apron around his waist, asked for the bill as he whizzed off in a hurry with a bottle of wine, or cork screw, whichever, and as he did so he signalled and probably said something like wait I'll be right back. Minutes later he whizzed past me again, managed to make eye contact with him for like 5 seconds in which he hurriedly explained with such arrogance and accent (which didn't make it any easier trying to understand him), (something close to) I'm the wine guy. I can't get you the bill. If I get you the bill other guests will be wailing for their wine. (Okay I added in the wailing part. That was how he made it sound like anyway.) Pointing to those in black/white vest top, They can get you the bill. Geeez. Other than that one petty moment, dinner was definately enjoyable, listening to the boys "chirped" about their national service life.

29 January 2005, about 2030 hr: Reached NewAsia, but we couldn't get in. Underaged boys. Crap. I felt really bad I didn't have a plan B for this. So sorry I made yall dressed up and in the end I couldn't get you guys in. Gurls above 18 were allowed though. So I brought Princess in for a little tour around the highest clubs in Singapore. I wished so bad for all of us to be in there, chilling, drinking, and enjoying the view (enough of the little boring island. Hows about a little meat *grins*). 5 minutes later, me and Princess were out. Tried to think up of a plan B. And decided to settle down at a spacious corner just outside Raffles shopping mall.

Brought in the brithday cake, Chocolate Classico. Yum. Also, a small bouquet of (one) pink Geberra. One of Princess's favourite flowers. It was supposed to be a bouquet of 21 white roses but, it was waaay too expensive for our budget. Happy 21st Princess!

Angel, M.Lady and Faiz dropped by for a little while before all of us decided to move on to... Esplanade. Last minute decision since we still have some time before Princess has to get home. Last surprise for the night (for all of us!), Taufic and gang were around the area as well. Princess managed to take some pics. Princess happy.

The night ended pretty well. Everyone's happy. Cept puppy was looking really shagged... *kisses*

A little reminder to myself, all is well again... =)