It has been 2 weeks plus since puppy's 22nd birthday. Mrs Darls got him another ipod, to replace the one he lost couple of months ago, also from Mrs Darls, for his 21st birthday. Ever since, puppy has been feeling terribly guilty of losing it. Took him some time to get over it. Of course he's just as excited and grateful about RockBox II.
Theme for the party was Rock n Roll, of course. Perfect for me, cos it's the only costume I'd ever look good in. Party by the pool, great music, great food, great people, great stories about ball bearings in penises (pain for the boys, pleasure for the girls), freaky shots (Benny captured an annonymous face while taking a pic for Angel, Soldier R and S) which led to more ghosts stories, and somehow leading to football debates among a Chelsea fan, 2 Arsenal fans, 1 Man United fan, and 1 Liverpool fan, and well, okay, and 1 more Chelsea supporter. What to do. It is the only team you get exposed to and influenced when you know nothing about football and your boyfriend's an ardent blue.
But for the record, I have learnt a thing or two about football. Well, at least for English football. It's not just about 11 men running after a silly ball. It's passion, skills, and of course, cute boys and handsome manager. Yeap, as far as I can see, Chelsea has them all. And I'm satisfied. Not an ardent blues, but satisfied.
Guess who's my favourite Chelsea player *grins*
And then there's the fight. Yeap there's always the fight. What can I say. We are different people. We have our opinions and views on how to live your mundane life and of course, relationships. I can't really say much, only, that this time it has taken a huge toll on me and of course on puppy as well. The screaming and the sobbing and wailing and more sobbing is over. For now.
I prayed and prayed. At least I got my peace of mind. I know what I want, how I want it. And that, I will get. Doesn't mean I don't care anymore.On the contrary, I cared too much before. It's time I take care of myself since, well, no one else can and the fact that I've always believe in independence, physically and emotionally. I know. Human can't help be dependent. But I'm gonna make it less of a hassel for me. And hell, I'm ony turning 21! Gawd I feel old.
Went to the beach with the girls last weekend, despite the horrendous weather and teenage crowd (stupid kids who doesn't know any better than wearing bikinis with obvious fats hanging out and acting like she's hot), it was relaxing to just lie in the sun (for a less than half an hour in between when the dark clouds loomed in before the sun finally settled and I got slightly tanned, yay!), soaked in the cool clean sea water, stuff our faces and ultimately, a relaxing time with the girls. I would like to do this as often. I wished for puppy to be there with me, but his job is taking a toll (by the time weekend comes...) and he's tanned enough and I've given up planning trips to the beach only to be disappointed in the end, not that I have a choice.
Being there with the girls is just as satisfying. I couldn't have taken my first step to wearing a bikini if it weren't for them.
Let's see, next outdoor trip... will only be jogs around the park down my block because I am god damn fucking broke even after pay day. Been skipping work too many times this month, not gonna get paid as much as I should. Working part time sucks.
Then there's the 2nd year anniversary. Fuck.