Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I'm in love with Heath Ledger... and I'm looking at Jake Gyllenhaal different since.

Something in me shifted... no... more like... ressurected...?

Been feeling rather nostalgic since I saw the movie.

This nostagia is as bitter-sweet as it's supposed to be. It seems to get stronger everyday. Yearning to fantasize like how I did before(?) But of course, it was not all fantasy. Part of it were influenced by reality; Granted, I was immature then. But these intensity of emotions were real.

I can't seem to put them anymore into words...

I can't stop thinking about Brokeback Mountain...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Shallow-nessly Immature

Alot's been going through my head with regards to this post's title. I'm affected a great deal yes. Disspointed, angry, even betrayed perhaps (of trust/faith). But life goes on. I can't really say much. I'm not sure where to start. I'm not exactly over it.