Monday, March 23, 2009

Watchmen / Transformer / Iron Man

Megan Fox is hawwwt. Not annoying at all. Shia was a little. But his kindness was quite a turn on.

I'll marry Robert Downie Jr. if he asks. (Baby you're still the one. Allow me to infatuate a little?)

There was also Watchmen.

Charming for me is the genuinity of generosity, cool confidence, self-indulged geekiness and all thoughts goes out to, me. Heh.

Resident Evil 5 kicks ass. Not dark enough but works well for me.

I'm back to part time teaching. Mrs O had expressed re-consideration on my part. That was appreciated but, think I like having more time to myself and take care of things around the house for the time being.

I wanna sing~ Sing sing sing~

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fight Club / Twilight

Twilight, like The Village. Only this time the plot was a totally expected drama plus Kristen Stewart annoying the hell outta me for a good couple of hours.

Couldn't a better actress be picked? Say off the top of my head, the likes of Christina Ricci?

Why are there road bullies? Is it the same as being insecure off roads?

Why do children cheat during tests? If they're that uninterested why can't they just face the flunk? Since they sure as hell aren't afraid of not paying attention in class. Or is it the fear of the nags and whips that drove them to immorality.

I'm not sure why I get so upset when they behave like that. Perhaps the high expectation of these unmold hopes that this society will change for the better of Singaporeans.

Fight Club was good. I like the screen play more than anything else (including Edward and Brad).