Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Harry Potter (Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of Pheonix, Half Blood Prince) / Public Enemies

I'm a miniscule fan of Harry Potter. Miniscule because I'm no fanatic but still a big appreciator of the dark forces and magic, geeky-blue-eyed Harry, doofus Ronald and the charmingly down to earth Hermoine.

Johnny Depp is all I've been infatuated with. His manly charm in Public Enemies killed me.

Christian Bale, although mildly overshadowed, was still quite exquisite.

Ever since the surgery, I've been feeling distracted. It's been some time since I've been able to just focus on doing just one task.

I couldn't do laundry without thinking if I should eat.
Couldn't do work without trying to decide whether I should drink some water (which I promised myself to make it a more regular habit).
Couldn't sleep without having to let my mind wonder the world of dullness, mistakes and possibilities.

I'm mentally exhausted, thinking so much of everything.

Post-trauma, is this?