Monday, May 09, 2011

The Lion King musical

So here's the deal...

I continue to control what/who goes in and out of my life and let the universe handle the rest.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Scream 4 / Thor

"Vote Wisely"

There's been quite a bit of awkward situations since the beginning of this year.

Awkward, because I realized I have not reaped what I've sowed. Instead, my harvest, became charity, one which was given quite unwillingly. Given for the sake of empathy. Sadly, I've mistaken empathy to be on a two-way street.

Awkward, because there are things I frowned upon and to the things that I frowned upon has caused a great a deal of distress if these things that I frowned upon knowingly or unknowingly crack their way through into my intolerable veins.

Awkward, because truth became diplomacy, which lies on a very thin line with manipulative.

Awkward, because for all of the above, I have spent great effort veering off since the 'benefit of the doubt' and now I worry the return of skepticism, doubts, and brutal honesty.

Strangely my horoscope reading seems to be telling me while these may be awkward to say or do, I have made my point and I'm supposed to trust it and refuse to think shoulda-woulda-coulda because, what's the point.