Monday, January 09, 2012

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

2012 has been productive and kind so far. I am enjoying every moment of chores and making more effort for the people around us. All it needed was a change of attitude; mine. I'm seeing a pattern in growth. Namely from the surrounding people. It wasn't that they didn't get it. It was only a matter of time. Time and certain exposure or influence. I've also decided on a few 2012 resolutions. Namely speak less, listen more, which could lead to the impression of lessened empathy. I realized I may be trying to make people around me feel less guilty about certain things while I feel guilty about being a hypocrite. And then there's focus on the tasks-on-hands. I try to multi-task too much which leads to getting burnt out, add on frustration. Peace of mind, always. Feeling less guilty about how incredibly privileged the state of my being. I tend of torture myself by guilt tripping my every comfort and joy. I realized there is no point to this and instead I'm gonna do my best to be more proactive in the areas of my beliefs and principles. There's a lot of Zen influence in these and the more I learn the ways, the more determined I am to make quality in my life. There has been a glaring message from the universe (or that meditating book of Zen) that I shall seek without seeking.