Breathe... breathe... breathe...
not because of wrath,
it just made good sense to breathe in more oxygen
for the human mind and body to work
and be at it's best.
I'll get better at anger management
and have better comebacks.
with the era closing in on judgement day
it's not about being or doing right anymore.
it's being wise
and it's getting pretty easy to tell them apart.
there honestly aren't many of these wisecracks
with all the douchebags hanging around.
sooooooooooo I'm gonna...
let it be... let it be... let it be.
we are but flesh and bones and maybe a bit of soul
there are just too many roles to play.
I'd wanna put on some quality show
and then there's always karma
to put these douche in place.
so breathe, think and oooowadaaaaaah~~~!!!!!