Monday, April 23, 2012

500 Days of Summer

I have never won any lottery or holiday/concert tickets but today, I consider myself the luckiest; I found my soul mate and I'd say that the odds are amongst the highest.

Wanting to be with me even at my grumpiest, tolerating my impatience, being sweet at my mercy... I cannot possibly asks for more. But I am. I want to spend more than a lifetime with him. Everything that I wasn't sure of before him, I couldn't be more sure now.

I Love Us.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I'm feeling the universe today... like a lot. Life IS a lonely journey. No I didn't forget some very important and even those less important people. It's just... well if I hadn't pondered about some of the social standing issues which most deemed not worth their time, if I hadn't bit my lip & resort to ranting in my head, if I hadn't stop trying to be good, I wouldn't have been this slightly enlightened.

Only slightly, because I know I'm not quite there. But I can see. I've got the torch in my hand and now I make my way through what seems to be a lifelong tunnel. I'm probably the only one who knows what I meant and that's okay. It's all I need.

Alanis Morisette's That I Would Be Good sings in my head. I've got it all wrong before. And I'm well aware that I'm not the only one getting the concept of being good wrong. And I'm not gonna be one of them anymore.

So many times the universe has set me up and I couldn't see through my pride & anger. But I get it now.

I can't be good if I'm not bad.