Monday, April 02, 2007

Girls Night Out


Clinic was alright. Barfly was beautiful. And my girls were gorgeous.

Who says you can't think when you drink?

I poured my heart out with my deepest resentment of others.

I'm a horrible person. I'm jealous. Angry. Resentful.

I'm only human. But that don't mean I like being this way. I just want to for once bitch and not be judged mercilessly. You know, to just rant and whine.

The best poeple, are the people who knows you best. Who doesn't think you're a psycho. Who understands that you're only human, and believes in the heart of hearts, that goodness is still in you amidst the resentment. It's like a break from feeling de-pressed.

With that faith that they have in me, I'm only more motivated to become better.

Been thinkin about seeing a psychic. Feeling a little lost. See Pris, you got me thinking.

Went to a boring porche (GT3RS?) launch. I don't know which porche I sat in, but I sat in a porche for the first damn time (in the driver's seat!) and GOD wouldn't it be awesome if I could own one of those bastards. Sigh..

Amy was a charmer at work. Although he didn't really do much besides taking pictures and talking to people about automobiles and shit I don't understand. It was boring. But I can't get the feeling of driving of porche out of my system!

WineBar was alright. Met Amy's crazy friends. Played a prank cos it was April's Fool.

Got some of you ;)

Pissed some of you :(

He's okay now. I think. Heh.

So who said you can't think when you drink?



Anonymous said...

Haha... glad you had tremendous fun. What's life without some comedy, eh? You have every right to be bitter abt life. Besides, I think only by experiencing and understanding the bitterness, then we will be able to appreciate the sweetness when they come your way. -Your anonymous stranger-ally-

LeDark said...

Damn right you are Ally. Damn right.

Jia said...

I feel like you feel too! Cause true friends may tell you what you don't want to hear but they're for your own good.

But I'm glad you're always there for me. *hugs*

Jia said...

I mean "AND" not "BUT"...hahaa...

LeDark said...

There are just some things I only trust a few to know. And you know you're one of them Peachy ;)

Thank YOU for being there *HUGS*