Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Realizing a dream (Day 2)

For the first time, I held a snake, Storm, a Royal Ball Python.

Was a little nervous at first. Took a few minutes to settle myself down with Storm. It was sweet.

Husbandry was laborious, as expected.

I felt this bond with Yaka, the puma. I thought she wanted to play with me. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, since I don't know how to read a puma's behavior yet.

Food prep is definitely not my favorite part of the job scope. Too much of meat even though I get a slight thrill seeing raw meat on documentaries.

John was helpful. The fact that he was new with me kinda helped eased some of my tension.

Still feeling rather apprehensive about this job though.

And missing the sungei orangs too.

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