Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Artistic Death of an Innocent Animal

If you guys haven't heard, Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, a claimed artist from Costa Rica, tied up a stray emaciated dog in an art gallery.

"Hello everyone. My name is Guillermo Habacuc Vargas. I am 50 years old and an artist.

Recently, I have been critisized for my work titled "Eres lo que lees", which features a dog named Nativity.

The purpose of the work was not to cause any type of infliction on the poor, innocent creature, but rather to illustrate a point.

In my home city of San Jose, Costa Rica, tens of thousands of stray dogs starve and die of illness each year in the streets and no one pays them a second thought.

Now, if you publicly display one of these starving creatures, such as the case with Nativity, it creates a backlash that brings out a big of hypocrisy in all of us.

Nativity was a very sick creature and would have died in the streets anyway."

Quoted from

Natividad Canda was his name.

If you google this fucker's name, you will find that his work (this one in particular) is getting bombarded with criticisms from the hypocritical public, getting every other hypocrites to sign a petition against some sort of animal rights.

Every single google page. Right till to the last. It was all, but his artwork. I searched. You would think the internet would display certain paintings or sculptures of some sort. The dude is infamous.

Now that he has risked that quiet (humane) reputation with this sort of controversy, he is now known as the proclaimed artist who showcased cruelty.

Articles after articles, it was all about how he had tied this sick hungry dog up in an art gallery. Some say he'd starved Natividad Canda. One article claimed he had provided it food within its reach. Blah blah blah.

My question is, why does everyone pretend to care? What the fuck, is signing this petition going to do?

Don't get me wrong. I believe in petition against the civilized war, against environmental damages, domestic violence, fur hunting. But signing against artistic death of an innocent animal? Do they even understand the harshness of coming up with a controversial title like that? Are controversies to be signed against?

con - tro - ver - sy [kon-truh-vur-see] -noun, plural - sies.
1. a prolonged public dispute, debate or contention; disputation concerning a matter of opinion
2. contention, strife, or argument

Habacuc tied & accusingly starved Natividad Canda up and showcased his opinions in an art gallery. How wrong does this sentence sound? It sounds so wrong, that Habacuc should be put behind bars, or even to death, by the millions of animal activists.

Why isn't he? Furthermore he had won first prize to some title apparently.

Everyone is so goddamn caught up with the obligated morality, that the ONLY thing they can be bothered doing, is sign a petition. Someone kill the fucker then. He deserves it. Doesn't he? All animal activists wants him dead. So many of you (judging by the amount of petition that has been going around), not one of you can actually DO something about it?

And just how much has all those who has signed the petition been doing to help? Do you (after reading & signing the petition) take a sick dog home, feed and clean it and have it live its last moments in comfort? Do you take it to a vet and see if any amount of costly surgeries can save a life?

Do you, so-called, animal lovers, take it in stride to prove this so-called artist, wrong to have put up a sick animal on display; of your hypocrisies?

I shouldn't put it this way. I should say, if we, as human beings have been so great on helping the world get better, Habacuc wouldn't have to take a stray dog and starve (if he really did) it, and have you people watch it die. Like how you probably had when you have walked past a sick dog without a second thought, lying in some alley, waiting for death to end it's torment.

God bless those with the ability to do your part to help these poor animals.

Habacuc is trying to showcase hypocrisy in us human. And all you hyprocrites have proved him right. Natividad Canda have died in vain.

An artist can be a cruel thing.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Terrified. Petrified. Mortified. And stupified by you. - John Nash -

Watched: A Beautiful Mind.

Time flies and still feels like a long time.

Been out of job since the beginning of March. So what have I been doing?

Thinking. Alot.

And feeling negative.

I'm useless. Undetermined. Unmotivated. Easily annoyed. Depressed. Stupid. Broke. Cynical. Skeptical. More judgemental. Just plain unhappy with myself.

And it only melts away with ice-creamy and chocolatey moments. Oh also when I saw Fit, Fai and Fau on the streets of Orchard and my long time brofriend/guitar teacher Satish @ Chips (Tattoo revived!!).

Sleep tires me out with chains of nightmares. Day wears me with the incessant activities of its day.

I wanna get away to a beautiful beach where the sea is clear and the sand is white. Waves to surf and fish to eat.

Where my eyesight is perfect and my skin is clear.

Yesterday I spent 3 hours on ironing Starfish's shirts. They were crumpled and made me feel like ironing the creases out. If being a housewife is a professional job I may just consider doing it.

I don't like the term though. Housewife. I'd call it, Butlress (pron. But-erl-ress).

Hi, I'm a Butlress. I decorate, iron, clean, cook, massage, read, write, draw, travel for inspiration, I walk the dog, and sleep till anytime I want.

Do I sound desperate? I think I'm desperate.

I haven't felt this lost for awhile.