Thursday, February 10, 2011


Being a wife isn't what I'd imagined it to be.

It isn't all about flirty bantering, mutual consenting or whatever it was supposed to be, till death do us part.

To be a wife means to sacrifice. Like, everything.

Sacrificing emotional needs just so the husband doesn't get any more stuck in the middle.

Sacrificing dignity just so everyone can make callous comments.

They're all 'you're always siding with her...' or 'you can't always side her...'

Why does anyone have to side with anyone?!

So when I get the husband to spend more time with his mother, take her on a holiday, who am I siding?

When I advice the husband to call and check on his attention seeking female friends once in awhile, who am I siding?

And when I suggest the husband to spend more brotherly time and maybe even help out financially, just who the hell am I siding?!

Basically, when I became a wife, I lost all legitimate rights to need my husband.

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