Tuesday, November 23, 2004

It's raining...

So cold... I can't wait! 49 more ninutes to 1800h. I wanna see puppy! I wanna be embraced in his arms! Even the thought of it warms me up...

Lemme update a little bit on the last weekend.

Striprise birthday party at Swissotel for MeL! Yup! We got her a stripper. Raunchy. Although, I was a tad bit dissappointed. Not that I was expecting much. But it was entertaining enough to get all of us screaming and cheering. I was pretty flushed up! A naked man (wasn't really expecting much else) and a beer. I'm quite a cheap drunk. Everyone else was pretty flustered by midnight. But the party spirit didn't simmer a bit. Music playing loud enough for M.Lady, Angel and gang to do the shuffle. It was a funny sight. At least to me. Or maybe its the beer.

Poor puppy knocked his uncut pinky toe against something and half the nail was loosened. Ouch ouch ouch. He was having a bit of a headache as well so we decided to stay overnight at his crib.

Other than the unfortunate incciddent, I enjoyed myself. It was lovely. Nice. Lovely. Yeap lovely.

K I can't remember anything else thats happened and 35 more minutes till I get outta work. Been a busy day (print order's day). So, I'm gonna chello.

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