Thursday, January 13, 2005


Been yawning and stretching non stop since this morning. Not that there isn't any work to do. Just not much. On top of that I'm using the unaccessible-file-cos-B.Boss-has-it-opened excuse to not work. Lazy la.

Princess is turning 21 at the end of the month yay! Wanna plan something big but because I'm so low on budget... There's always plan B ;)

The gurl still hasn't learn to swim. Apparently, Mr F has already given up on her. Last I heard, he tried to drown her. Or so she thought. Ha.

Speaking of air stewarding, puppy and I have had talks about it. I'd like him to come with me, after he finishes his contracts with the military. Servicing definately isn't his forte. If I make the cut for the job, and he doesn't... I don't wanna have to deal with not seeing him for days or possibly even weeks! It's hard enough going through the same thing now for the past year. And on the other hand, if he makes it and I don't... I'd be damn distraught... he's said that he's willing to give it up but I wouldn't wanna hold him back from the perfect chance to seize for the world! Literally!


Must get new swimsuit anyway. How's a 2 piece, black tank top and micro/boxer shorts.

Won't be seeing Ramsey for awhile now. Will miss his presence. Although I don't really hang around but the last few days has got quite a surreal feel to it when he visits home.

It really isn't that long a time. She's got her studies to take care of anyway. I pray sister G holds out.

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