Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ego Stroke

Reminiscing, teaching was a pretty self absorbing experience. I found it hard to concentrate on anything else but lesson planning. And when I stepped into the classes, there was a rush of... power. And it felt damn good.

I was Emperor.

Ok enough boasting. But it felt really good. I was conquering. A small part of it.

Teaching is a lifestyle. A full time lifestyle, which I find it hard to commit with other personal commitments.

It is an obvious ego stroking career. How some of us gets devoured by the attention we are getting. Some couldn't take the humiliation (wits) and turned aggressive. There were the few who had such a heart that they'd go the extra miles to help.

10 weeks of experience was the most fulfilling I have ever felt. And I still dream about it.

Currently I've been busy with the house.

Making trips to law firm to settle miscellaneous stuff.
Contacting contractors to clean out the house.
Head cracking up with all the financial decisions.
Dealing with unecessary opinions.
Fighting against temptation to blow up budget. (Blown some already).
And doing some long term planning, something I'm not very good at.
I'm better at trying to be optimistic.


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