Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There

It took 3 weeks of trial out @ Mainspring. Then 10 weeks of practicum (as trained teachers would call it) @ a high school.

Experience gauge: OVERLOAD.

Almost pleasingly rewardingly overloaded. If it weren't for other personal commitments calling for urgent attention.

The preparation for the move has been as smooth as it could not have been. The pressure comes from inside the head. Worrying about the bits.

Ask me if I feel like a grown up. Not really. It's been hectic, but I'm loving the adventure.

Been dreaming about my students since I quit just before the school holidays. I do miss em. Miss what I could have accomplished.

But that's life right. Always having to make the toughest decision and making the most out of it.

Can't wait to see how the house is gonna turn out.

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