Monday, January 05, 2009


A strange dream from last night seemed to be foretelling of a happiness that has yet to come, or happiness missed.

I dreamt of Jess & Jac's family. More significantly of them and their mother.
They were happy. They made jokes and I was laughing along.

Jess had been out of town and I wonder if she had found what she needed.

Only time will tell.

It's the fifth day of the new year and I've been reminding myself of my resolution; to mind my own business.

I broke it yesterday.
I made comments I knew I had no right to.
I haven't felt bad since. But I know I'll feel bad soon enough.

Having a conscience reminds me of how imperfect I am and guilt trips me whenever I spout judgemental comments.

On a sick note I may just get used to the notion of being imperfect and devilishly relish the fact that others aren't too.

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