Friday, January 30, 2009

Inkheart, BrideWar

CNY's eve was spent cleaning up the house and catching up with Jess since her return. Dinner @ Modesto's.

Four Season's One-Ninety's Kiwi Mojito rocks.

Day one of CNY was spent with some of Stephen Chow's films. Starfish cooked up a whole three day supply of Japanese curry and miso soup. Late afternoon ride to the Singapore Zoo. Ben & Jerry's as our motivation. 2h 40 mins, back and forth.

Day two of CNY, lunch at Jess's grandma's. (Reminds me of Seremban)
Kiwi Mojito @ Four Season's again before late afternoon movie at Lido and in the midst of it, a man shouted angrily. I couldn't grasp his words the first time, and I forced myself to ignore, and then I thought I heard him shouted (thereafter), "Stop touching my dick!" This definitely got my attention. I wanted to see who this pervert was! And then he shouted again, ".... stop kicking .. .. .. .... ". And then it all made sense. Such rage. So annoyingly common. Ramen @ Great World City for dinner.

Day three of CNY, back to work. Depressed.

Day four of CNY, OFF. Prepared teaching material, then afternoon movie (BrideWar) at Vivo. Last Gold Class indulgence. Jumbo dog, set meal of ceasar salad, fish karma, brownie and coffee included. Dinner @ Coca with Jess. Kiwi Mojito @ Four Season's again. We just can't get enough of it.

Reached Yz's place just before midnight. Made Starfish and Moose hold the candles in their hands because there was no cake, only chocolatier from Chocolate Factory.

Dowanna work tomorrow.

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