Friday, October 22, 2010

From Dusk to Dawn / Detective Dee / The Legend of Chen Zhen / Shutter Island / Outrage / some samurai japanese movie

I've been a full time housewife for about 3 months now. I must say, I'm getting the hang of it. Although not quite on the routine. Then again routines never really worked for me. So I just go with the flow. And setting the discipline in motion as well. My sleeping hours are just not normal enough.

I won't say I'm the best, yet. Still working on those cooking skill. The cleaning though, is my forte.

So I haven't been the best of moods in between, but I figured it's usually like this when you're trying to figure something out... All the thinking about whether I've made the right decisions... thus affecting my confidence, my central of gravity, my good conscious & subconscious... I was mental.

And also while in the midst of all these chaos, I was completely aware of how supportive Starfish has been. From the mood swings to the tantrums to selfishly asking for time out and taking me to that restaurant which I had cravings for that juicy, juicy steak and I was convinced it would swing my mood the other way... which we didn't get to go by the way because of well, my mood swings.

His patience made me grow up a little every day... I feel precious...

I am the luckiest bitch ever.

There's also the sister's wedding to prepare for. We were running errands as and when. Getting all the props ready. Praying to Mother Jesus Mary for the best, really. And happy to say, that all's gooooood!

I also had one of the best birthday. A treat from the mei mei; Universal Studio. Receiving birthday wishes from those closest to heart and mail from the bestie, a Chomel cystal crucifix & flower and a laundry basket I've been eyeing on. I'm easy to please.

Yes these are the things that matters; love & happiness...

Blessed be, my loves.

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