Friday, November 26, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You / Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 / My Thinking Space

What is your current profession and how did you choose your career path (where did you study, learn, become inspired)?
I'm a housewife, for about 4 months now. It was a difficult decision, coming from a feminist working era, in this country at least. Almost everyone I know of my age are out there making a namesake for themselves. Earning the bucks. I have not had the smoothest career path I must say. But I did enjoy some of those times clocking in 9 to 6, waitressing, zookeeping, show presenting, vet assisting, teaching, hospitality marketing.

I graduated with a Diploma in a major I did not learn to appreciate at all. I didn't have the brains for it and I'm fine with that.

I learn mainly from life experiences. The heart breaks, the politics, the passion for certain details, music, movies, people I've crossed paths with.

My husband inspires me. He's smart, geeky and has a very high tolerance for my sometimes dramatic idealism/fascism. He is currently pursuing his PHD and we have Noa, a Shiba Inu. We love her so much but she's been having this skin problems that doesn't seem to be going away as quickly as we would like it to be. I couldn't handle work (from my last job) because I was worrying endlessly about her condition (she would scratch and bite herself sore, add on political issues at work) and I'm extremely anal about having things done a certain way at home. Things were just getting too much to handle so I decided to let one thing go; my job. And now I focus on taking care of the house, the husband and Noa. It's been working out. I'm reading more. Gaining perspectives, always a good thing.

Where did you grow up? How did it influence who you are today?
I grew up here in Singapore, born Malaysian. I get to see how living on both sides of the counties is like. I must say, I am luckier than I thought. I got the better part of education (more like advanced than better I'd say) and security here. I get to live a stress free life when I visit my relatives back in Malaysia, where the farm animals roam and people leading a slower pace. But I'd much rather a more open space where there's no shoving, no lousy public behaviors, dog friendly, nature loving place. Coming from where I am, I've learned to appreciate all those things when the universe presents it. Even in this small, uptight country.

What are you passionate about?
Photography, playing house mistress, learning the world, the urge to psycho analyse people.

What was the last thing that made you laugh?
My geeky husband.

Why have you chosen this as your thinking space?
There's always all sorts of thoughts going through in my mind and sometimes, it's better left unsaid, and blog.

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