Friday, September 28, 2012

Resident Evil: Retribution / Dredd / Premium Rush

I am mood swinging like maaad.

One moment I'm so happy doing all sorts of stuff and the next I've got these unwelcoming, judgmental noises just running through my conscious mind almost non-stop.

I'm still trying to figure out if it's cos my period is running late or the annoying fact that I am still so fucking annoyed with the amount of self-righteous idiocracy I have to co-exist with.

For one, I am to keep the unwanted junk just because I have space and two, I am also to rent out our room just because I have spare.

Is the privacy of a newly-wed couple not allowed in this lifetime anymore?
Are people so insecure and defensive that they are becoming so painfully assuming?
Am I supposed to self-righteously help out or selfishly fulfill my own desire for happiness?

I am, truly, a self-righteous bitch. I've always known that. And I do sometimes, selfishly shove my self-righteous opinion into faces that annoys me so. Other than that, I keep my self-righteousness to myself. Because I do respect that fact that they made their own choices and lived the life they want to live.

And yes I do scoff at anyone that I deemed immorally unworthy of any self-righteous respect coming from me but at least I have that decency to keep it to the confinement of my damned mouth.

Oh I do get so painfully annoyed. I really do not care for any sort of 'advice' especially when I do not need one when it is something so trivial as to whether I want to keep my junk in this space of mine. I really... really... do not care for any of that.

What also annoys me is that, these almost unbearable annoying traits (or opposites) are surfacing closer to home. And now, thinking logically, I am in an extremely painful position where I have to decide whether to continue to suck it up or make that cruel (albeit relieving) decision to leave.

I am this close... to cutting myself off from their self-righteous world... should they not realize to keep their self-righteous opinions up their own self-righteous assbrains.

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