Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I refused to wake when I had to. Resulting panic-strickened me, stepping into freshly laid cement just outside the lift on the ground floor. Speaking of getting out of the wrong side of the bed. FUCK YALL RETARDS! Well, to give em some credits, they told me to be careful just when I was gonna step out. TOO LATE! They also said it's okay. Well... MY SNEAKS AREN'T O.KAY.

My mood wasn't as bad when I stepped into the office, logged into my MSN account, and Jude i.m. me the same thing he ALWAYS FUCKING SAY. "I'm bored." Oh fuck you.

I don't know the retard. We must have chatted on IRC millions of decades ago. That's why he's on my msn list. Wait a minute, I checked, and he isn't on my msn list. So how can he see me? I'm gonna find a way and block him.

Usually, during one of those boring days when the retard's "I'm bored" greeting line doesn't bother me, I'd take some effort, have him entertained, for the sake of my own entertainment. Today is one of those boring days. But with PMS... I tried challenging myself to have this retard entertained.

Me: So tell me something I shouldn't know.
Retard: What kinda things?


Retard: Busy?
Me: Very.

I wasn't. I was looking for entertainment elsewhere. Retard apologizes (he thought I was busy. stupid.) and I told him it's okay and to go look for entertainment somewhere else.

Retard: are you pissed at me?
Me: Nah. The hell would I be.

I was thinking, Yes. Because you're stupid.

It was only awhile later that I realized I'm PMS-ING. It's not just PMS. Stupidity do frustrates me.

I told Puppy I think I'm PMS-ING. Puppy, of course, being the sweetest thing ever, offered to buy me something to cheer me up. Now, I really do appreciate the thought but I don't want him buying me stuffs to cheer me up. Probably because, firstly, I might be able to cheer up if he just surprise me instead. Secondly, in this state that I am, nothing will be able to lighten my mood up. Except ranting. And because of my second prob, I don't wanna risk having Puppy waste his efforts.

One way to deal with women's PMS is to let her have her way. Men, don't worry. It won't last long. Well at least it won't for me. I'm the loveliest girlfriend anyone could ever have when I'm not PMS-ING.

Okay a buncha cheques just came in. Work!

I hate hormones.

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