Thursday, December 02, 2004

Highlights of the week


We (me and pups) headed downtown to Wisma Atria early noon, where Singapore's Bridget Jone's competition was held. Angel was one of the top 5 chosen. We (me, puppy and M.Lady) were there to give our support.

No offence, but there was no competition at all. They don't even looked Bridgy. Not sweet. Not pretty. No. No. No. The one white chick contestant did the sexy grooves to the music. Eehhg. Wrong. Not Bridgy. We thought Angel nailed it but noooo. Judges are idiots. They can't fucking judge. Call me bias if you will. I'm entitled to my opinion and most of the time I'm right.

After which, Angel and M.Lady had to get to an Arab wedding. Puppy and I caught Polar Express. What an adventure! The whole journey was like, whao! And so heart warming... I refused to cry.

Met Bern at Tattoo later in the evening. Drank. Took a stroll down to 3 Monkey's Cafe for dinner and watched Chelsea took on Charlton. 4 nil to Chelsea. Yay!


Caught Mama Mia @ Esplanade. Enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The colours was brilliant... the music (ABBA) so... wow. All thanks to Angel! Yay!


That was pretty much the highlight of the week. Took the day off yesterday. Played football and Sims with puppy most of the night and day. It was nice... can't wait to see puppy soon... Still feeling burnt out. From work. I'm just being lazy.

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