Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Happy 18th Sister G! (Part I)

Before I go into further details, I would like to announce, that after much thoughts since I last blogged (been awhile apparently), I've decided, that this will be my last blog. And you know what...

Highlight to see message:

I'm kidding.


If I've freaked any of you out, GOOD FOR ME!!! And BELATED APRIL FOOL'S TO YOU!!!

I can't believe it. I've been so busy with sister G's 18th birthday party and some personal shit, that I had to give April Fool's Day a miss. I didn't forget. I had to give everything else my absolute focus.

More on April's fool day later -_________________-

On G's 18th birthday (Thursday), we clubbed till dawn with a Usher, Harold & Kumar.

Me & G were in town early so we decided to take a stroll to Mdh Sultan and check out Wu Bar first (Ladies Night!) while waiting for the boys. The night was early, and I was dreading it, cos days before me and pups decided to take a break. Didn't help when DJ blasted Akon's Lonely. No worries! All's good after a calm, peaceful talking session. We've worked out what we're supposed to work on and we're a duo again.

The boys arrived an hour and a half later then planned *pffff* and we head to Cheeky's cos they've got cheaper drinks to acommodate the non-ladies. Usher turns 20 on the same day as well and since me & G didn't get him any birthday prezzie, I got one of the waitress, pretty hot (she was wearing a black long sleeve top (I think), short frilly uneven-ends skirt and heel boots), paid her 10 bucks to pull a tequila shot on him and a (short) hot make out session. Happy 20th Usher *grins*

Cheeky's closed and the dudes wanted supper but somehow Shah & G got all of us dragged to Desire. Nice crib but, didn't really enjoy myself cos, I was told not to leave a harmless half filled water bottle on the table (we were sitting outside of Desire), told to put my legs down (I had my legs up (it's a habit) on the cheap basket-weaved chair), and last straw, I was told not to stand on the 2-step-stairs (leading to the dance floor); I was looking for the peeps across the dance floor.

What the hell is their problem?!

I told puppy about this and puppy said it's all (by right) not allowed. They're just doing their job. But still! Hello! A half filled bottled water can't drown anyone! The chairs were not made of silk cushions! AND I WAS ONLY STANDING ON THE STAIRS FOR A MERE SECOND & THERE WAS NO FUCKING CROWD SO HOW THE HELL WAS ANYONE GONNA HURT ANYONE!

If they tell me it's all for safety measure, having litted candles in a club is safe?! Least to say bottles of opportunities to get drunk and pissed off is bearable?! BUT A BOTTLE OF WATER SITTING ON A TABLE, LEGS UP ON A CHAIR, AND STANDING ON STAIRS IS A BIG NO NO?!! Not cool man. Not cool.

If they tell me they're just doing their job, I'd say, fucking idiots.

I know for sure that I'm NEVER going back to Desire.

Pardon me. I didn't mean to sound all pissed off but thinking about it again cheesed me off big. And already I was in a foul mood to begin with.

Maybe I should've asked, just what the hell was the problem.

After Desire finally closed at around 6am, went to 7eleven to grab a fresh bottle of water and orange juice to wash down the alocohol for G & Harold. Both had too much to drink, I was tired, Usher and Kumar were just high. G, Harold & Kumar cheesed around for a bit. G trying to prove her strength by wanting to punch the daylights out of Harold's orange carton. Harold & Kumar took the longest time to get into position (Harold holding the carton, Kumar standing behind the carton so juice can explode all over him as planned, by G), and when G can finally hit the punch, the boys moved out of the way, and she hit air.

Sigh... all that work. We were all laughing pretty hard about it. Funny how Harold keeps trying to protect his 'baby' (the orange juice carton).

Me and Usher also took the longest time to get the drunkard children to the cab stand, you'd think that'd be the end of the night, G punched Kumar. Yea. All happy and making so much of noise one moment, the next, poof.

Apparently Kumar made some racist comments, and in my point of view, G punched him out of pure fun, but a little too hard, Kumar bled a little on the inside of his lower lip, and got pissed. I don't blame him. G really shouldn't have. So what if he made some racist comments. For your information, racist comments had been exchanged throughout the night and was all in good fun between the both of them.

So G apparently was upset about some comments he made, punched him, then later on apologised, and Kumar in turn softened, and admitted he deserved it.


The drunkards took the longest time to apologise to each other, and accept each other's apologies, that I got pissed (bad mood & freakin tired) and told Kumar to go ahead & slap G since she said she insisted she wouldn't feel good till he does, if not, I will. So he did. Nah he didn't. G took his hand and slapped herself with it. AND THEN! She took the longest time to get into the last of the 3 cabs that I managed to hailed. She knows I'm mad at her and she thinks it'll be a better idea if I just take the cab home and she'll take the trains. Pffff. Yea. Sure.

OF COURSE I wouldn't leave her alone! I didn't slap her either; It was just a spew of madness.

Finally, got home at around 7++ am. It was a working day, so I took half the day off and slept in.

G apologised. She knew whatever happened was stewpit. Good. So everything was well and fine again.

I still didn't manage to sleep well enough... not till the par-tay is over... to be continued.

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