Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Choked with disappointments

Oh my god... Could the time fly ANY slower.

I'm choked, hurt (dammit), disppointed (whatever), cold (in every sense of the word), bored (with work), busy (with everything else), sad, relieved (my god), faithles, hopeful (for nothing), mad, upset, cynical, skeptical, paranoid (everything just makes so much sense now?), smart (huh?), beautiful (where did that come from?), sexy (sure), souless (I dreamt I don't have a soul no more), exhilerated (not in a good way at all), focused (my mind's whirling), wise (too wise for my own own), stupid (what the hell am I doing), selfish (hell yeah), and loving (no more).

Hell, love can be legitimate for all I fucking care.

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