Friday, June 24, 2005

XiaXue v.s SPG v.s Pathetic Singaporeans

When you're close to tears remember
Someday it'll all be over
One day we're gonna get so high

Though it's darker then December
What's ahead is a different colour
One day we're gonna get so high

And at the end of the day, remember the days
When we were close to the end
And wonder how we made it through the night
At the end of the day, remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
We'll remember it was me and you

Cause we are gonna be
Foever, you and me
You will always keep my flying high in the sky
Of love

LightHouse Family - High


I dedicate this to you too puppy...

'Get a room!' I hear. I'm not gonna stop being sappy as long as I'm in love so bite me.

I forgot how much this song tingles within.

So everyone's heard about the storm that whirled around Sarong Party Girl's ingeniously-brutally-right-smackingly-in-your-shallow-dickheads (pun intended, females included) blogged blog. Judgemental/insecure/pathetic idiots are slamming against this SPG's right to her own fucking opinion.

Opinions don't hurt unless you have issues (stupidity) with yourself.

I'm shocked that Singapore's most infamous blogger, XiaXue, is slamming against another's right. Coming from where she's (xiaxue) coming from (or least from what I have heard); smart (?), witty (?), funny (?), this has totally changed my opinion of her. Not that I've been a fan. But I am, sorry, was amused with some of her posts which I have managed to put in an effort to go to her blog and see what's all the fuss is about.

And there she (xiaxue) is, whining, crying about how people have been emailing mean things to her. It's truely pathetic. I would have been more impressed if she hadn't excused herself with "I am entitled to my own opinion blah blah blah *myeeeeehhhhh*" -- this is how I imagine her cry (which she admitted. stupid or what?) -- Like, hellowwww. Knocking against your own door with your not so filled little head, Snow?

I'm an avid reader of SPG's blog and never have I once hear her slam anyone. It's all about her. Her thoughts, her artwork (photos), her world. It's how a blog should be.

Where as for Stupid Snow, she feeds on popularity voicing her cynism on every little tiny thing and she crossed the line with conciously casually commenting on SPG's tities on the papers. Tsk tsk. Typical Singaporean. Stupid (picking on the wrong element to invoke your cynicsm on) and cannot mind their own business.

Posting nude pictures of yourself isn't what the bible, the kuran, or whatever religious script exists in the world would approve of, but at least SPG is honest with herself; She saw no need to slam how disgustingly pink XiaXue's blog is, how thick the layers of make up piled on that, face. She may be contradictive, which is totally forgivable; God's intention.

As far as I am concern, XiaXue deserves all the slamming she's getting now. 3 folds I'm sure. And I would like to email her my opinion, but I figured she's getting enough of it and who cares about my 2cents worth anyway.

She also mentioned something about how supportive her family and friends are with all these shit that's going on, I wonder how. I'd be damn dissapointed if my daughter did what she did and come crying about it. I'd pretend to sympathize if she's a friend.

As for SPG, she has my sympathy. Even more when I heard that the media are blaming her parents for bringing her up this way.

Like all of you are any holier.

Then I was reminded, that these, are tabloids. Not news. Tabloids.

We can't stop judging. It's human nature to judge. Anyone tells you to not judge, spit in their face and smile and say, don't judge that.

What went wrong with all these judging shit, is crossing the line. Judge, to a certain extend. Judge the SPG for flaunting her nudity. Judge her on her view on sex and money. But don't fucking judge her parents for bringing her up the way she is when she is fucking 20 years old. She obviously doesn't need her parents to hold her hands and teach her how to click on a mouse anymore.

Don't judge anything that doesn't hurt. In another words, don't be stupid. But I understand if you can't help your shal-low esteem.



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