Friday, March 04, 2005

: )

Just had one of the richest chocolate cake ever. It was to celebrate The Economist (I think) hitting the one million copies (of magazines?) circulated in Asia target. M.Lady and Angel would've appreciated it (the cake) as much (probably more) as I had. On the other hand, M.Lady's probably enjoying JJ at this moment even more *grins*

I'm satisfied... *pats beer belly*

Moose's birthday dinner tomorrow. Still trying to decide which pig-out to go (Sakura's or Swenson's). Haven't even got him a gift yet. Meeting Princess after work.

PS2 would've made the perfect gift for the boy but we're all short. Because of his duties in camp, can't afford to plan anything big. What a 21st.

Stomach ache...

Need to pee...


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