Thursday, March 10, 2005


Noticed I've been using the word 'rut' alot. I never knew what it really meant untill I checked the dictionary.

1. An annually recurring condition or period of sexual excitement and reproductive activity in male deer.
2. A condition or period of mammalian sexual activity, such as estrus.

3. A sucken track or groove made by the passage of vehicles.
4. A fixed, usually boring routine.

I like how the word 'rut' sound with how I wanted to express it so, I'm not gonna stop using the word the way I wanna use it.

PJ's first day at work today!!! I just remembered. Heh. I'm very proud and happy of/for the lil rut. She got the job she wanted and lets hope she doesn't forget us when she gets up there! Heh. Nah. I have faith in all of us: The Gang.

I'm still feeling very moody about the situation between me and pups. Haven't really been talking to each other but there is a bit of messaging here and there. Dunno how things will go between us. I'm letting time do it's thang.

It's been a slow week and alot has been going on in my head (relationship wise and other stuffs which I somehow managed to link them with) and I... forgot.

Fuck it. How 'bout some comforting snack instead.

HERSHEY'S Creamy Milk Chocolate.

I dreamt I had a pet shark, who'd wag it's fin :)

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