Monday, March 07, 2005

Love sucks

We pigged out at Sakura's. Satisfying meal (tom yam chicken soup, kailan with oyster sauce, hotplate beancurd, hotplate black pepper chicken, fried wanton, fried baby squid) indeed. Mango Tropicana for dessert, then we hit the arcade. Raced abit and made the dudes jumped DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Funny sight (hur hur hur!) Princess and I cracked up quite a bit.

Got the birthday boy 2 tees. One with a shot-down cupid with a message Love sucks, and the other, black, with some kinda, guard-ish design. Can't describe much. Basically, it's cool.

Wasn't anything big but it was good spending time together.

Side's that, not a lovey dovey weekend for moi. Love sucks.

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